My story starts with a very simple upbringing by wonderful parents who taught me that if I made some effort I could do almost anything. This launched me into working as a young metal sculptor who at 10 years old was selling my artwork to clients throughout our community and across the twin cities. Later, my brother Rob and I expanded our art influence across the nation. I learned as a young entrepreneur to become a relational bridge builder and I love working alongside other people who often see Through a different lens than I do. This has become important to me in ministry also.
Early in my faith walk, I engaged a part of God’s family that fully believed God could change everything in life. I had many opportunities to follow great leaders who showed me that everybody could know God. These great leaders taught me the importance of personal integrity and using my words skillfully. In 1982, I was licensed as a minister of the gospel and then ordained in 1984. I have served the Hastings community alongside my wonderful wife Vicki now for over 40 years as a pastor and community leader. Vicki and I have two adult children and 3 grandsons, all of whom love Jesus Christ. I often ask God to guide me in simple faith with noticeable fruit that others could enjoy.
Pastor Paris is a member of the
hastings minesterial association
along with the
bless hastings collection of churches